A big, big thank you to all of you who made yesterday’s eBook launch of Journey to Casablanca such a success. I do hope all of you who downloaded the book and those who pre-ordered it are enjoying reading it. There have been some great reviews posted already. Please don’t forget to post of a review if you asked for a pre-publication copy.
To say that the first four weeks of September were busy is tantamount to calling the Atlantic Ocean a trifle damp – something of an understatement. Two major events occurred that took a considerable amount of preparation.
The first I’ve already mentioned – the book launch. There is a lot to be done in the final weeks – working through the m/s returned by my eagle-eyed proof-reader (many, many thanks, Carrie! What would I do without you?); recruiting pre-readers; converting the word.doc into an epub file ready to send to my pre-readers and uploading the m/s onto Amazon. All very time consuming.
What made life so frenetic was that I was also given a date for the op on my right foot -23rd September. I needed to have the same work done as I’d had on my left foot back in April. At least this time I knew exactly what to expect. The operation itself only involves relatively minor day surgery but it does mean spending the next 4-6 weeks with my leg up on a stool and unable to move around. Although my husband is happy to take over the cooking and other essential household tasks, I wanted to do as much as possible to make things easy for him. Consequently, on top of getting the latest book ready to go live on Amazon, I spent the first four weeks of September ‘Spring cleaning’ the house, baking and making ready meals to stuff the freezer.
Last April and May, I spent my enforced confinement in the chair writing the bulk of Journey to Casablanca and was planning on using October to do a similar job on In the Shadow of the Sphynx – another Harry and Aunt Jessica mystery. I confess I haven’t made a great deal of progress so far, but time will tell.
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